Books about Washington New Hampshire

The History of Washington 1768 - 1886

The History of Washington 1768 - 1886, 1886,
Claremont Manufacturing Co., Claremont, NH

Six hundred copies of a facsimile edition, with a forward by Ronald and Grace Jager, were published by the Washington History Committee in 1977.

In 1998 an additional 500 copies were printed by R.C. Brayshaw & Co., Inc., Warner, New Hampshire.

ISBN: 0-9666475-0-5

How to purchase.

Portrait of a Hill Town: A History of Washington, New Hampshire, 1876-1976

Portrait of a Hill Town: A History of Washington, New Hampshire, 1876-1976, 1977, Washington, Ronald Jager and Grace Jager.

One thousand copies of Portrait of a Hill Town of which 500 were numbered were printed in 1977 by the Village Press, Inc., Concord, New Hampshire.

A second printing of 1000 copies was produced by R.C. Brayshaw & Co., Inc., Warner, New Hampshire, in 1998 for the Town of Washington, New Hampshire.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 76-62912
ISBN: 0-9666475-1-3

How to purchase.

Historical Pillsbury

Historical Pillsbury by Ronald and Grace Jager, 1976.
Published 1976 by the
New Hampshire Society for the Preservation of Forests
Published 1999 by the Friends of Pillsbury State Park.

ISBN: 0-9666475-3-X

A Sacred Deposit

A Sacred Deposit: The Meetinghouse in Washington, New Hampshire, Ronald Jager and Sally Krone, 1989,
Peter E. Randall Publisher, Box 4726, Portsmouth, NH 03801 for The Washington Meetinghouse Bicentenial Old Home Day Committee.

Last House on the Road

Last house on the road: excursions into a rural past, Ronald Jager
Beacon Press, 1994 (hardcover)

A series of essays exploring life and links with the past in contemporary Washington.

ISBN: 0-8070706-3-7 (paperback)

Available at

The Fate of Family Farming

The Fate of Family Farming: Variations on an American Idea, Ronald Jager
University Press of New England. April 2004.

Visits four NH farms, including the Eccard dairy farm in East Washington.

ISBN: 1-5846502-6-5 (hardcover)

Available at

Read the first chapter in The New York Times (June 6, 2004)